Enjana Bylykbashi, MD

Enjana Bylykbashi, MD

Department: Emergency Medicine

Email: Enjana.Bylykbashi@vcuhealth.org

Hometown: Waterbury, CT

Medical school: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

Why VCU EM: The training at VCU covers not just high-acuity patient care but also very interesting and often complicated pathologies. Additionally, the faculty, residents, and staff are incredibly welcoming and supportive!

Favorite thing to do in RVA: Trying new restaurants and coffee shops!

Best kept RVA secret: Proper Pie + Riverbend Coffee combo to enjoy while sitting at Libby Park.

Fun fact: I was born in Albania and when my family went back to visit one year, there was a random guy strolling through town with a bear on a leash. So naturally, my parents let my brother and I ride on the bear!

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